Kollektion: Earplugs - Info about Earplugs | The complete guide to choosing earplugs

Earplugs can be nice to have at night if there is a lot of noise from the street or in the house. It is a myth that it is not healthy to use earplugs often and, for example, sleep with them. But it is, on the other hand, unhealthy to use the earplugs incorrectly. There are different types of earplugs, some with cords, bows or just simple disposable earplugs. It is best to use disposable earplugs if you expect to wear them for a long time at a time, such as for a concert or if you need to sleep. The reason why they are best for that kind of use is that they are typically made of a soft material that can be shaped or that already has a good fit, and they are gentle on one's skin.

If you often use earplugs and often take them out during the day, some will find it more comfortable with a pair of silicone earplugs. Silicone earplugs are wonderfully soft and can be shaped to fit the ear canal. At the same time, the earplugs are reusable. There are countless variants and types, which are made of different materials and have different properties. Some types can be used once and others several times, so it is important to know the task before choosing your earplug. Below you will find an overview of the different types and possible uses.


Foam earplug:

Most people are familiar with the classic foam earplug. The earplug is made to remove high-frequency sounds, which are the sounds that are most harmful to our ears. These plugs often have a high damping value, which means that they also remove important tonal areas, e.g. reduction of alarm and warning signals. These earplugs are available with a string or a hanger so that they can be hung around the neck when not in the ear. The foam earplugs can be used once, after which they are discarded.

"Christmas tree stoppers":

These earplugs are nicknamed because they look like little Christmas trees. These plugs are available in many different variants, which can be used for e.g. concerts without degrading the sound. In addition, they are also available in a special sleeping version, which removes annoying noise, but makes it possible to continue to hear fire alarms and baby cries. This can be used several times and cleaned after use.

Molded ear tips:

Molded earplugs are made individually for your ear and are produced in a hearing center. Here, an impression of the ear is made so that the earplug fits you perfectly. This means that they are comfortable to wear while providing optimal protection. It is a good investment as long as you use earplugs regularly through work or leisure activities and are exposed to loud noise. With molded earplugs, you don't experience a deterioration of the sound, just a dampening.
The safety giant does NOT make these earplugs, so contact your local hearing center.


The earplug only protects your hearing if it is correctly positioned. An incorrectly placed earplug means that you do not get the full effect of the earplug.

Mini-guide for placing the earplugs correctly:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water (Important as dirt in the ear canal can cause skin irritation and eczema)
  2. Roll the foam earplug between your index finger and thumb so that it becomes as thin and cylindrical as possible.
  3. Extend the opposite arm over the head and grasp the upper part of the ear. Pull the ear up and back. Insert the earplug into the ear canal.
  4. Keep a finger on the earplug for approx. 30-40 seconds until the earplug is fully expanded in the ear canal
  5. If the earplug fits correctly, the earplug will not be visible from the front, but only from the side. Look at yourself in the mirror, or have a colleague check. - If it is not correctly positioned, try again!

You have to pay close attention to whether you put them in the ear correctly, you shouldn't push them too far into the ear canal. If they are pushed in too far, earwax can accumulate. In order to reduce the accumulation of wax in one's ear, in addition to placing the earplug correctly, one should also make sure to clean the ears often. There is no general rule about how often you should replace your earplugs, and if you use disposable earplugs, they can be used more than once. But if they look dirty and well used, you should throw them out and use new ones. It is not possible to wash disposable earplugs, so if you must have some that can be washed, silicone earplugs are a good choice, as they can be washed when they get dirty.


If you work or move around in noisy environments most of your day, choose a hearing protector that suits your needs and wishes. The hearing protection is an easy and comfortable alternative that does not put pressure on the ear canal. If you only stand in noisy environments for a few minutes a day, or are at a concert, festival and the like, a few times a year, then an earplug is enough to protect your hearing.

You can usually achieve a slightly better protection if you combine different hearing protectors, e.g. ear plugs and ear cups. This means that the earplugs continue to protect when the earcups are removed.