Large selection of first aid equipment

At SikkerhedsGiganten you will find a large selection of different first aid equipment. We have created a number of subcategories so that it is easier to find your way around the shop. All of these subcategories each have their own purposes and functions.

What we believe is very important, and which can really make a difference, are defibrillators, resuscitation masks, first aid kits, etc. Everything we sell here can make a huge difference if an accident happens.

At SikkerhedsGiganten, we believe that it is important to have a good selection of first aid equipment, as it is a very important tool that can save lives and ensure that the person survives or escapes with a minimum of injuries.

All companies have individual needs for first aid equipment, and it varies from workplace to workplace, which first aid equipment and how much is needed.

It is important that the equipment is maintained and placed appropriately. All employees should be familiar with where first aid kits, eyewash, fire extinguishers etc. are located in the company in the event of an accident.

However, it is equally important that employees can find the right dressing in the first aid kit. Many of the products are marked and easy to use. Eg. the first aid stations from Cederroth are equipped with easy-to-understand pictograms and reference codes that make them easy to refill.

A defibrillator's main purpose is to save lives. The defibrillator, also called Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), is a vital tool in situations where people collapse with cardiac arrest outside hospital.

The defibrillator is a very important support in life-saving first aid until the ambulance arrives. It provides instructions and a diagnosis of the heart and delivers a vital electric shock in case of cardiac arrest. This shock is intended to get the heart beating normally again. However, it requires that both cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation take place as soon as possible.

Every minute counts when a person collapses in cardiac arrest. In such a case, the heart stops pumping blood around the body. This means that the body's organs do not get oxygen and begin to suffer damage.

It is therefore important to be able to step in and help the person in the minutes leading up to the arrival of the professional rescuers.

The most effective treatment is the combination of early cardiopulmonary resuscitation and shocks from a defibrillator. If you do it within the first 3-5 minutes, the possibility of survival increases by 60-75%.

First aid kit
A car trip can result in both pinched fingers in the car door, hard braking which can result in small or large wounds, or damage to the eye.

It may also be a good idea to have strong scissors in case it is necessary to cut a harness.

Here it is therefore important that your first aid kit for the car contains different types of plasters, cleaning wipes, strong scissors + different types of bandages.

It may also be a good idea to consider a traffic-related first aid course, where you learn how to deal with all types of traffic-related accidents, such as neck and back injuries, broken bones, bleeding and burns.

Eye wash
Eyewash can remove discomfort when you get foreign objects in the eye and prevent complications afterwards. It is easy to catch something in the eye, e.g. dust from the air, dirt, cleaning agents or paint from your hands. If you work with machines and tools that can give you splinters of wood or metal in the eye, the risk is even greater.

Getting something in the eye can be extremely uncomfortable, as the eye is extremely sensitive. If it remains untreated, the situation can develop into eye, cornea or iris inflammation. If you make sure to rinse the eye immediately after the accident has occurred, you prevent the possibility of inflammation and prevent foreign bodies from sticking.

In use, you rinse the eye with a soft and pleasant jet. The product range includes everything from the small handy bottle you can always have with you to wall-mounted stations that make it easy to find help in an emergency.