
Sundstrøm SR-299-2 - ABEK1-Hg-P3 combi filter

Varenr: 40040420174

Sundstrøm SR-299-2 - ABEK1-Hg-P3 combi filter

Varenr: 40040420174
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Sundstrøm SR-299-2 - ABEK1-Hg-P3 combi filter

Sundstrøm SR-299-2 - ABEK1-Hg-P3 combi filter is a professional filter that can be used together with Sundstrøm full and half masks. The filter consists of a class 1 gas filter and a class 3 particle filter, which provides comprehensive protection against various types of gases, vapors and particles.

This combi filter is designed to provide effective protection against various types of organic and inorganic gases and vapors. Type A protects against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point above +65 °C, such as e.g. solvents. Type B protects against inorganic gases and vapors such as chlorine, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen cyanide. Type E protects against acid gases and vapors such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride. Type K protects against ammonia and certain amines, such as ethylenediamine. In addition, the filter also protects against mercury vapors with its type of Hg protection.

The filter is also a reliable protection against various types of particles such as dust, fog and smoke thanks to its P3 class. The filter is reusable, which means it can be used in more than one work shift. It is individually wrapped in a bag to ensure its durability and hygiene.

This combi filter has been tested and complies with the standards of EN14387. It ensures that the filter meets the requirements for protection against organic compounds with a boiling point above +65 ºC, inorganic compounds and acid gases/vapours, ammonia, mercury vapors and all types of particles. The filter is compatible with Sundstrøm half and full masks, which makes it easy to use and integrate into your current protection system.

If simultaneous protection against gas and particles is required, it is recommended to use combination filters or multifilters. This ensures the most effective protection under various working situations.

With the Sundstrøm SR-299-2 - ABEK1-Hg-P3 combi filter, you can be sure of reliable and comprehensive protection against various types of gases, vapors and particles. This professional filter is designed to meet the highest standards and ensure your safety and comfort during work.

SR 299-2 is a combi filter consisting of a class 1 gas filter and a class 3 particle filter.
The filter is intended for use with Sundström helog half masks.
The filter is of type ABEK1-Hg-P3 R and protects against the following types of gases, vapors and particles:
Type A protects against organic gases and vapors, such as solvents with a boiling point above +65 °C.
Type B protects against inorganic gases and vapors, such as chlorine, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen cyanide.
Type E protects against acid gases and vapors, such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride.
Type K protects against ammonia and certain amines, such as ethylenediamine.
Type Hg protects against mercury vapors.
Warning. Maximum time 50 hours.
Type P3 R* protects against all types of particles, such as dust, fog and smoke. * R (can be reused): The filter can be used for more than one work shift.

  • Individually wrapped in bag.
  • EN14387

Field of application:

organic compounds with a boiling point above +65 ºC,

inorganic compounds and acid gases/vapours, ammonia, mercury vapors and all types of particles.

Fits to:

Sundstrøm half & full masks.


If simultaneous protection against gas and particles is required, combination filters or multifilters are used

EN 14387:2004 + A1:2008, EN 143:2000+A1:2006
Directive 1 (EU) 2016/425 PPE

Komplet Guide til Valg af Filtre for Åndedrætsværn

Komplet Guide til Valg af Filtre for Åndedrætsværn

For at finde det rigtige filter til din åndedrætsværn, skal du overveje den type arbejde, du udfører, og de farer, du kan støde på. Brug denne guide til at vælge det passende filter.

Typer af Filtre

Filtre til åndedrætsværn er klassificeret i forskellige kategorier baseret på de forurenende stoffer, de beskytter mod. Her er en oversigt over de mest almindelige filtre:

Kategori Beskrivelse
A Organiske dampe og gasser (kogepunkt > 65°C)
B Uorganiske gasser og dampe (undtagen kulilte og kuldioxid)
E Sure gasser og dampe
K Ammoniak og organiske ammoniakderivater
AX Lavtkogende organiske forbindelser (kogepunkt < 65°C)
P Partikelfiltre (P1, P2, P3 - stigende effektivitet)
HgP3 Kviksølvdampe og partikler - også mod chlor

Valg af Filter

Brug nedenstående tabel til at matche dit arbejdsmiljø med det rigtige filter:

Arbejdsmiljø Anbefalet Filter
Malearbejde med opløsningsmidler A eller AX
Arbejde med syrer E
Landbrug (ammoniak) K
Svejsning B
Støv og partikler P (afhængig af partikeltætheden: P1, P2, P3)
Arbejder med kviksølv HgP3

Vedligeholdelse og Udskiftning

For at sikre optimal beskyttelse er det vigtigt at vedligeholde og udskifte filtre regelmæssigt. Følg disse retningslinjer:

  • Udskift filteret, hvis du bemærker en stigning i åndedrætsmodstanden.
  • Udskift filteret, hvis det bliver beskadiget eller tilstoppet.
  • Følg producentens anbefalinger for udskiftningsintervaller.
  • Opbevar filteret renligt og lufttæt, når det ikke er i brug.
  • Personer med dårlig eller ingen lugtesans bør ikke bruge masker med filtre.

Specifikke Stoffer og Materialer

Her er en oversigt over nogle almindelige stoffer og materialer, samt de anbefalede filtre:

Stof/Materiale Anbefalet Filter Bemærkninger
Acetone AX
Ammoniak K
Asfaltrøg A Kombiner med P2/P3
Butanon (MEK) AX
Chlor (chlorgas) HgP3
Dieseludstødning B Kombiner med P2/P3
Formaldehyd A + formaldehydfilter Farvekode: Brun/olivengrøn
Kviksølv HgP3 Farvekode: Hvid/rød
Nitrogendioxid B Kombiner med P2/P3
Organiske opløsningsmidler A Kombiner med P2/P3
Styren A

Andre Vigtige Råd

  • Filtre beskytter aldrig mod iltmangel (under 19,5% oxygen).
  • Læs altid brugsanvisningen, der følger med maskerne og filtrene.
  • Vær opmærksom på, at partikelfiltre ikke beskytter mod gasser og dampe, og gas-/dampfiltre ikke beskytter mod partikler.
  • Kontakt Sikkerhedsgiganten for rådgivning om korrekt valg af filtre.

Kombination af Filtre

Ved nogle arbejdsprocesser er forureningerne en blanding af partikler og gasser/dampe. I sådanne tilfælde skal der bruges både et partikelfilter og et gas-/dampfilter.

Eksempel på kombination:

  • 3M 6055 A2 + 3M 5925 P2 = A2P2

Plan for Filterskift

Da levetiden på filtre under brug varierer afhængig af mange faktorer, er det vigtigt at lave en plan for filterskift:

  • Noter hvor lang tid, der går, før du begynder at kunne lugte noget gennem filteret.
  • Lav en plan for filterskift med en sikkerhedsmargin på cirka 25%.
  • Hvis du alligevel begynder at lugte noget før planlagt, skift filteret straks.

Number H02-6512
Material Polyester, ABS, Impregnated activated carbon
Colour Black
Shelf life (years) 3
Country of manufacture Sweden
operating temp. -10 – +55 °C, &lt; 90% RH
Storage temp. -20 – +40 °C, &lt; 90% RH
Model SR 299-2

Frequently asked questions

Questions about delivery

We offer delivery through GLS and Danske Fragtmænd. You have the choice between having your goods delivered to a parcel shop via GLS or to your company with Danske Fragtmænd.

Questions about ordering

The security giant is an online store, and you can always contact us by phone, e-mail or chat. In addition, we have a physical store, which you are also welcome to visit at the following address: Lillebæltsvej 60 - A/B, 6715 Esbjerg N, Denmark.

You can call us on 71 99 32 60 seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. During the same period, we are also available on chat and e-mail to assist you.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Questions about payment

We provide fast and secure payment options via recognized payment card providers such as Visa, Mastercard, Dankort and more. Our service also includes flexible installment solutions through Anyday and ViaBill. For public institutions that prefer to use EAN, we also facilitate this payment method. In addition, we offer invoice payment as a convenient option for our business customers.

Questions about returns

We ensure a problem-free return procedure if you regret your purchase. If the accident happens and one or more of your products are damaged, we also handle this efficiently and quickly. Contact our customer service and we will work with you to find a suitable solution.

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